Intermittent fasting: forever weight loss formula

Intermittent fasting: healthy weight loss technique

Intermittent fasting is very popular technique used for healthy lifestyles. It effects positively on body and brain and helps to live a healthy and longer life.
This technique is being used by Indians from several years. From ancient times, people use fasting technique as spiritual practice. However more and more people are now discovering this dietary intervention to keep body healthy and fit.

What is Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a term for cycling between periods of fasting and eating.
Anytime you are not eating, you are on fasting. For example Breakfast. Breakfast is the term refers to the meal thatbreaks your fast which you do daily. It is considered as fasting of period of 12-14 hours. 
 Intermittent fasting is the oldest and most powerful dietary technique. It is usual everyday normal practice.

Starvation and Fasting
However some people get confused between fasting and starvation. These both terms are different in crucial way. 

Starvation is the absence food for a long time non voluntarily. It is not controllable and may lead to sufferings and deaths.

While fasting is the voluntary avoidance of food for spiritual, health or other reasons. It is controllable and is done intentionally. It is done by person who is not underweight and has enough body fat to consume. It does not cause any suffering or death. In fasting, food is easily available and you choose not to eat for a certain period of time.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
When you don't eat for a certain time period, many activities happen in your body. Here are some of the positive changes occur in body:

  • Cellular Repairing 
Intermittent fasting is responsible for changing cells, genes and harmones. These changes are
1. Decreasing insulun level and burning fat.
2. Increasing the growth of harmones which helps to burn fat and muscle gain
3. Cellular repair includes removing waste material from cells
4. Protection against disease by beneficial changes in genes and molecules.
  • Weight loss
Reducing the amount of food you eat boost up your metabolism. This is very effective method to lose weight and belly fat.
  • Lower Diabetes Risk
Type 2 Diabetes is the most common problem these days. The main reason behind Diabetes is high blood sugar level. Intermittent fasting has major benefits for insulin resistance and then reduce blood sugar levels.

  • Heart health benefits
Intermittent fasting can improve numerous risk factors for heart diaease such as blood pressure, cholestrol levels etc.

  • Prevent Cancer
Uncontrolled growth if cells cause cancer. Fasting results in boosting metabolism which reduces cancer risk. It also reduce the side effects of chameotherapy.

  • Good for Brain
It also improves brain health. It increases the growth of new neurons and protect the brain from damage.

  • Extend lifespan
Intermittent fasting helps you living longer. By increasing metabolism and all health benefits, it makes sense that it could help you live a longer and healthier life.

Methods of Intermittent fasting
There are many methods to perform Intermittent fasting. Out of which, the most popular methods are:-
  • 16-8 Method

It is an easy and convenient way to lose weight and belly fat. It involves eating during an eight hour period of a day and fasting for 16 hours. You can choose any time slot for eating such as 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm and  rest for fasting.

  • 5:2 Method

In this method, you normally eat for 5 days and limit your calorie intake for 2 non successive days of the week. For example, you may have to be on fasting for Tuesday and Thursdayand rest of the days, you can have normsl diet.

  • Eat-Stop-Eat

According to this plan, you fast for 24 hours either once or twice a week. Then eat regularly on non fasting days.

Diet Plan for Intermittent Fasting
To acquire most of the health benefits from fasting, you should consume nutritious foods and beverages during non fasting periods. You can include following foods while eating periods.

1. Vegetables
All vegetables can be consumed. Opf for green leafy vegetables and broccoli, tomato, Cucumber, cauliflower, etc.

2. Whole grains
Avoid refined wheat products and go for grains such as buckwheat, barley, quinoa, oats, rice, etc.

3. Healthy Fats
Avoid saturated fats and choose coconut oil, olive oil, mustard oil etc.

4. Protein
Choose lean protein options such as eģgs, lentils, seeds, nuts, etc.

5. Calorie free Drinks
Green tea, coffee (without sugar), water to hydrate the body.


1. Before intermittent fasting, you should take advice from your general practitioner.

2. If you have underlying heath conditions as diabetes, heart disease, low blood pressure, etc. ;don't go for fasting technique.

3. Intermittent fasting is not recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding women.

4. Avoid junk food and fried food while eating period.

Thus intermittent fasting is very popular and convenient method for weight loss which is being practised from several years. The most popular method for fasting is 16-8 method. Not only for weight loss, it also provides many health benefits.


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