Causes & treatment of dengue and chickengunia
Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on a person already infected with virus. Infected mosquitoes then spread the virus to other people through bite.
Ades aegypti and Aedes albopiutos mosquitoes transmit chickengunia and dengue virus.
Ades Aegypti:
Ades Aegypti is also called Yellow Fever . It transmits the virus of Dengue fever, Chickengunia, zika fever, Mayaro and yellow fever. It can be recognized by the white scales on its legs. It was originated in Africa. Now it is found almost throughout the world.
Symptoms of dengue:
Symptoms of dengue depend upon that what type of virus, a person is suffered from.Dengue shows its symptoms after 4-6 days of infection and it takes 10 days to cure.
High Fever:
The person suffered with very high fever upto 106° F. It takes 10 days to recover.
Headache and pain behind eyes:
Like any other viral fever, dengue patients also suffer from severe headaches but what characterizes dengue is the constant pain behind the eyes. It is very common complaint and cause discomfort a lot.
People infected by dengue virus may feel abnormally tired.It may cause alarming weakness, making difficult to even stand.
Nausea and Vomit:
If you are sick and extremely nauseated, visit doctor immediately. It may be the symptom of dengue.
Skin Rashes:
Skin rashes appear after the onset of fever.This is also the symptom of dengue. If you notice rashes with fever then immediately consult doctor.
Low Platelets:
Severe drop in platelet count is the major symptom of dengue. It is alarming and should not be ignored. The platelet count of a healthy person 1.5 lacs to 2.5 lacs per unit volume.On getting infected, the patient's platelet count starts falling. Platelet count below 1 lac is alarmjng situation.
Dengue Ayurvedic view point:
In ayurvefa, dengue is known as dandaka juara. Ayurveds stresses on strengthening immune systemof body and keeping control on fever.
Ayurveda Treatments:
1. Mix 360 gm of Shunthi curna with 125 gm of Hinguleshwar and take the mixture at least 4 times daily with tea or hot water. If temparature of patient rise beyond 104°F then apply cold pad on the forehead till the temperature subsides.
2. Another Ayurvedic medicine to cure dengue is Tulsi. Tulsi leaves are used to produce soothing effect on the nervous system. Tulsi leaves strengthen the stomach. Induce copious tulsi leaves in water and drink water throughout the day.
3. Papaya leaves juice is a natural remedy for dengue fever.Squeeze and pound 2 pieces of raw papaya leaves with a filter cloth. Don't boil, cook it with hot water.A patient can take 2 table spoon per servjng daily. To increase the blod count , pomegranate juice /grape juice should be given.
3. Fenugreek leaves are known to reduce fever and act as sedative to ease pain and promote restful sleep for patient. Soak leaves in waterand then drink it or you can mix me methi powder with water and have it.
4. Amruthasita, Gududa Satwa(sat giloy), Amrutottaram, Sudursana vati can be given for treatment.
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