Skin care in summers

Skin care in summer

In summers, we apprehend more trouble for our face, skin and body. Everyday our body reacts to heat and have its adverse effect.

According to Ayurveda, summer is the season of pitta dosha, which is related to fire element which tends to heart burn, excessive body heat and sweating, skin rashes, prickly heat acne, over acidity, irritability and anger. 

So we have to hydrate continuously during the day which increase the ability to evaporate through the skin and decrease the temparature of body which prevents us from traumatic skin changes in body such as skin irrritation, small pox, small red spots on face, neck, etc.

We have to cope up with summer by relaxing our nervous system and stress related disorders as rising temparatures are also assosiated  with mood swings.

Acidity and indigestion also cause decrease in facial pH level which prompts more allergies, tanning and loss in skin glow. Rehydration of skin and body through high intake of fluids, fruit juices, easy to digest salads and foods with higher content can help in bringing back the lost lustre.

Wonder ingredients for caring skin in summer:


Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and easily can remove free radicals.  Consuming it everyday will give you a bright and healthy skin. It helps to detox the body and also has bleecing properties, which helps in skin lightening.

Consuming aloe vera juice in summer will help your body stay cool and its application gives your skin a soothing effect. It also kills bacteria, fungi and virus. If your skin is affected by sun, apply aloe vera gel on affected area. It heals your skin as fast as possible.


Curd is the dairy product which has rich calcium and magnesium content, which helps in strengthening bones. It also helps to keep the body cool. When it is added with gram flouŕ, it acts as a whightening agent and thus helps to remove tanning.

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves has antioxident inflammatory, anti fungal, anti bacterial properties, which not only benefit you health but also help to get rid of many skin problems. It cintains vitsmin C which removes black heads, pigmentation, dullness and ageing and leave the skin with a youthful glow.


Oats are healthy and nutritous and it has amazing healing properties which benefits our body from inside and outside. The scrub made up of oatmeal is ideal for rough skin.

Tulsi leaves

Tulsi leaves have high level of potassium, magnesium and vitamin C that can help regulating your blood pressure. It also loaded with a lot of antioxidants.

Skin detanning

Tomatoes work for detanning of skin.The antoxidants in tomatoes fight with cellular damage and reddening the skin. Thus it detan the skin. 
   Apply the juice of the pulp of tomato on your face. Keep it for 15 minutes or till dry up. Rinse it off soon after.

Anti pimple facial

Green tea is high in antioxidants that helps in inflammation and fight with bacteria.
     Steep green tea in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Rest it to cool and then apply it to your face with cotton ball and leave it for 10 minutes. Then rinse off the face. It significantly reduce pimples.

Tips to keep mind cool

  • Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking plain water may be boring so you may add lemon and orange for flavour and taste.
  • Apply aloe vera gel twice daily.
  • Try not to expose yourself directly towards the sun
  • Dont touch the pimpled skin by fingers. It may lead to more infection.
  • Strictly say no to oily food, fried food, junk food, cold drinks and sweets.
  • Include fruits, salads and juices in diet.
This was a complete guide on how to maintain the skin in summer. I hope, it will surely be going to help you ease out the summer season.


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